Chers sœurs et frères en Notre Dame / Caros Irmãos e Irmãs em Nossa
Ontem, dia 26 de Junho, faleceu o nosso Irmão
Gérard d`Escalle, nascido em 1912, após longo sofrimento. Deixou seis filhos,
um dos quais é Sacerdote. Foi Prior de FRança de 1997 a 2003,. À Família,
nomeadamente a sua Mulher, nossa Irmã, Doette, apresentamos as nossas
condolências e peço a todos que rezem pela sua alma. Na próxima 5ª feira, na
igreja da Lapa ( Braga) a Missa, às 16 h, será poer sua alma.
Yesterday, died Brother Knight Gérard
Escalle, born in 1929, and father of 6 children of which one daughter and one
This one came some days ago and Gérard could receive the anointing of the sick.
Gérard and his wife Doëtte were in charge of the maintenance of the “Commanderie” during decades and he was Prior of France from 1997 until 2003.
This one came some days ago and Gérard could receive the anointing of the sick.
Gérard and his wife Doëtte were in charge of the maintenance of the “Commanderie” during decades and he was Prior of France from 1997 until 2003.
Hier, le 26 juin, est décédé notre Fr. Gérard d `Escalle.
Vous savez déjà la nouvelle par notre Prieur de St. Louis. Je partage la
douleur de notre Sieur, son Epouse et de ses enfants. Je vous annonce que
jeudi, le 2 juillet, la Messe dans notre église de Braga sera célébré à son
Braga, 27 .VI.2020 ----
Le Maître et premier serviteur de la MSM ---- Carlos Aguiar Gomes ( Miles-
pauper et peccator)
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